sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010

A travel experience

I really like to travel because I believe that is good experience that let you not only know new places but relax and meditate about others things. I think that traveling allows you to know yourself and appreciate what you have because while you travel you can know others realities.
Although I love to travel I prefer not to travel for a long time because I miss my family and my friends. The longest trip that I ever made was when I traveled to Germany and I spent about a month in there. This was a really great experience and I can say that this country is really beautiful and have so many places you can go and you can have fun. The only thing that I don't really like about this country is the food but the chocolate that sale in there is great. I remember that when I was in this country we go to a fair and my friend and I got on a roller coaster and have a great time in this fair. The only thing that I miss when I traveled to Germany was my family because I traveled with my school mates.
Thinking about that I realized that the longest trips I made I didn't go with my family but with friend or with my school mates.The others places where I traveled was: Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil and the south of Chile. In these places I like the landscape, the food and the people because they were very nice and friendly.

martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

The films of my life

When I think about the movies I watched I can't chose a favorite movie or just one type of movie I like to watch. I like the every kind of movies like romantic movies or sad movies or adventure movies or mystery or terror movies.

I enjoy so much watching a movie that I don't care if I watch the movie in a cinema or in my house. The only thing that I search in a movie is that this movie have the capacity of transport me to the world that this movie try to recreate and make me feel like I part of the movie and at the same time make me share the emotions that the actors try to represent. So for my a good movie not only have to had a good history but this movie have to had the capacity of make me laugh, cry or scare me.

I have watched many movies but I always remember that when I was younger (when I have 4 or 5 years old) I always watched the movie call: "The Sound of Music" because my family loved that movie so I growth up watching this movie and I love it. So when I watch this movie I remember the good times that I spend with my family.

About the Chilean movies I don't have much to say because I don't see many chilean movies apart from "Machuca".

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

The neuromyths

One of the myths that Doctor Maldonado talks about in his work is that the people only use the 10% of their brain. This myth has two origins one of them come from of an experiment realized in 1930's that was about electric shocks and how the brain react to them. From this experiment it's conclude that only the 10% of the brain was use because only some parts of the brain react to this experiment. The other origin of this myth was that the people confuse the numbers of glial cells in the brain with the neurons (that are the ones that can make synapses) and for this they think that we can only use the 10% of it because only are 10 glial cells for one neuron.

But all of this is a lie because the neuroscience findings show that we use the 100% of our brain and that the brain it's always active even when we sleep. And this can be show in the case that a person loses the 90% of their brain tissue we can observe that this person will present serious consequences. If the people only use a little part of the brain this tissue damage should not affect them but really affect their brain activity.

I have hear about this myth before but I have dudes about this because is illogical think that such an important organ requires its entire function to make all the function in all our body.

I think that this article is very interesting and help the people to know that some of the things that its said it about the brain are false. I think that the most interesting thing is that the neurons can regenerate themselfs and reduce the damage that can are made to our brain.

martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Work Stress

The stress is a problem that people present when they feel overwhelmed for the work's and academic's demands and for this pressure they can have psychological and physical problems that reduce their performance and affects their emotional stability.
The most typical symptoms of stress in the physical area are: chest tightness, stomachache, dry mouth, muscle tension and lack of or increased appetite. In the psychological area the most common symptoms are: Restlessness, nervousness, anxiety, fear, irritability, mood swings and depression.
There are two ways to treat the stress: one is the biomedical way which is prescribe anxiolytics or the psychological way that include the biofeedback techniques like breathing and relaxation exercises. The people can mix this ways of treatment to get a better result.
The stress is caused for the problems and concerns of everyday that the people sometimes cannot control and the problems gets bigger and bigger to the person.
In the work the stress can produce a decrease in labor efficiency, can deteriorate the work relationship and this create a bad work environment that only increase the symptoms caused for the stress.
In my opinion the people can try to control the stress not overstretched themselves. Also the people can try to have a little of time to have fun or make relaxation exercises that can help to relax and improve the mood of the people. If the people feel that they can control the stress they can search help in the physician or psychologist that can provide the tools to make better this situation.

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

A healthy person

In our society I believe that is possible have a healthy life style and all depends of the people because if all the people try and realize that the health is important can change some routine or take the necessary time to improve this aspect of their lives.
I think that to be a healthy person you don't have to eat only vegetables and make many exercises because you can eat a little of everything, in a good measure, and make the necessary exercises, that not only can be the exercises that you do in a gym but others things like yoga, and you still can have a healthy life style.
In my opinion the people that take care of what they eat, make little exercise, try to live their life without stress and go to the doctor when is necessary, are healthy people.
A healthy person can have the habit of eat more healthy food or have a healthy diet without deprive herself of eat other food least healthy (but not a lot of that food or only that food) and the person can make different styles of exercise and take time to relax and have a good time to not stress herself.
I think that this kind of person can go to the beach or to the country in the holidays because in this way the person can relax and take the necessary time to recover all the energy that require to go back to the job or studies.

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

My favorite place

I really don't have a special place where I go when I feel sad or happy or just to run away of the routine because I don't go out of the city very often. But I think that when I feel stressed or sad I will like to go to a place where is a lot of vegetation and quiet where I can think and relax. In the case I feel happy or stressed too I will like to go to a beach to feel the sound of the sea and the sand in my feet because I think that this is very relaxing and because in the beach you can knew new people and have fun.
Remembering the places I have visited I can choose I perfect place that is a mix of the places I described early. This place is a beach in Costa Blanca that it’s located near of Talca (I don’t remember exactly where) but where don't many people go or know it. I think this place is perfect because have a beach where you can go and where are not much people and you can feel relaxed. And in this place you can find too a lot of vegetation with lakes, I think that this place is really beautiful and I will like to go many times to this place.
The most beautiful thing about this place is the view of the stars in the night I think that is the most beautiful view I ever see.

jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

One of my favorite books

When I began to write this post I was a little unsure of which topic I will like to choose because I love music and books but later I remember one of my favorite books that very few people know.
This book is “The Scarlet Pimpernel” of Baroness Emmuska Orczy. This book is about an English aristocrat that saves the people that was condemned to die in the guillotine during the reign of terror of the French revolution and nobody knows who this man that calls himself the scarlet pimpernel is.
I love this book because is a mix of adventure, romance, mystery and action that I like very much and also because it’s set in the French revolution that is my favorite part of the world history.
When I read for the first time this book I had 15 years old and I read it because this book was in my house and my sister told me that is a very good book. Later I search and I found that this book is part of a saga so I search the others books in internet and I read them despite the fact that this books were in English.
I think that this book is very interesting because give a new perspective of the French revolution and keeps the reader intrigued all the time until you reach at the end of the book.
I really recommend this book to the people that want to have a nice time reading a book.

miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

My last blog

Well I can say that I never have a blog before and this experience was interesting. I think that was useful only if you work and do the things right but if you don't do it you can't learn new things or improve your english.

In my personal experience I learn more words and technical terms related with my career and I have the opportunity of improve my write english. The blog was useful for me too because allow me to think about some aspects about my career and express my opinion about this aspects.

But I have to say that I think that in the work class area is useful but in my life I don't will like have my own blog to talk abut personal thing (like a personal journal) like other people do because I prefer decide the people I say my stuff and with this way I can't control the people that read my posts.

Work in the blog was entertainment because is a new way to improve my english but in some situation I don't enjoy the work because I have to talk about some topic that I don't like much or I don't have much to say about it.

For the next semester I think is a good idea that we can participe in the choice of the topic about we will have to talk.

Well I want to say I enjoy work in this blog and I expect I can write more in the next semester.

See you soon.


miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

My Ideal Job

I never think much in the work I want to do in the future, the only thing I know is that I want to help people and in the case of my career, I want to help the future mothers, the babies and the women in general.

Thinking in my ideal job I see me working in a public hospital or in a clinic, but I think that will be better work in a public hospital because the attention in this places is not good and I like to make a contribute for improve the attention in this places and this will implicate a better health for the people.

In my career I really don't know what speciality I want to dedicate but I know that I want a speciality that is related with babies, like neonatology, or I want to dedicate to the attention of the pregnant woman and help her in her labour work.

I want to work in a place that will be locate near of my home but this doesn't mean that the hospital will be next to my house but that will be of easy access for me if I need to arrive fast at the hospital. I will like too that the colleagues are nice people and that they like to work in team without rivalry.

I don't expect making a lot of money or have good working hours because I know that my career don't have a great salary we work in shift and this means that maybe we have to work in the night or in special dates. But in my opinion this things are not important because the work we make worth this.

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Education and Prevention

The prevention and education are important for the health because can give the people the necessary information that they need to know how to prevent the possible diseases or health problems. And in the education we can help the people to know the more important risk to catch the differents diseases. In this prevention and education the health professional can work with the people individually or with a group or in many cases with a community.
In the health area the midwife works in the prevention of sexual diseases and in the education of the possible ways to prevent the STDs or even in the prevention of a unwanted pregnancy (in this case she can informed the woman and the men about the differents contraceptive methods). But the work of the midwife is more than that because she can work in the community with a web of people that can help her to promote a health style life (not only in the sexual area) and give the necessary information to the people that are in this community, all of this with the intention of the people are informed before they make a decision. For the prevention the midwife can make talks of sexual education in the schools, promote that the people go to the hospital where she can give the information individually to the people.
With all of this we can say that the work of the midwife in the prevention and education is very important to keep the well-being of the people.

martes, 8 de junio de 2010

A men and woman's world

I think that the role of men and woman change a lot from the past to the present because the women now are wining a place in the work field and this contribute to an equitable place for women and men in this society. This doesn't mean that the men lost their place in the society but that they now share this place with women and this help men to dedicate more time to the family. But not all change, we can see that women continue making the work related to home and children and at the same time she contributes with money for the home expenditure. But I think that in this work related to home and children not only women work because are many men that dedicate his time to collaborate in the home and spend more time with the children.
In my opinion the stereotypes not help to created an equitable relationships between men and women but they only make that women can't develop well in hers work and the men can´t create a bond with the house or the children without the people telling them that the work of the home are only for women and all this create a sexist quarrel.
I think that the men and women in this society can share the work inside and outside home.
I don´t think that are many differences in the contribution of men and women in the midwife area but the men give a new perspective in this area and this is very important.

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

My favourite food

I really don't have a favourite food I consider I eat a little of everething but I can say that I like very much every kind of pastas and soup like cazuela. The only food I don't like to eat is sushi but I like the chinese food. I like taste new food to know different tastes and styles of food.
In the university my friends and I ate the food of the casino that I don't like because always it's something with a bad taste specially the desserts. Is for that reason that we go to eat somedays in a restaurant where the food is very good or we go to eat fast food like hamburgers or pizza but I prefer the pizza that make my mom. In general I always prefer my mom's food.
I too like the fast food but I know that is not good for the health is for this that we don't go always to this kind of places.
In my opinion a good diet have to contain a little of everything like legume, vegetable, meat, etc. And we also can eat fast food but not much.
I don't know much places to eat in Santiago and I don't always remember the names the places where I ate.
Well this all I have to tell. Bye

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

The job of a midwife

The job of a midwife is very important in my opinion because she is the person who prepared the women for the delivery of a new life and keeps company and give support to the women in all stages of pregnancy. But this is not the only work of a midwife, she too is the one who guide the mother and she takes care of the babies and the mother in the postnatal.

I choose this career because I found it important in the life of the women and beautiful because it's related with the development process of a new life and the role of the midwife is fundamental for this process happen in an excellent way.

My expectations with this career are I can contribute in the change of the attention model of the birth and I can give the mother all the support she need in this beautiful process.

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

About my career

I really don't have a web site of obstetric that I visit constantly and I never really think in search a web about my career until today. When I search in internet I don't found a web site of obstetric that is not related to an university but I continue searching until I found the web site called "Colegio de matronas de Chile" and I like this site because have information about the work area of obstetric in Chile and have recent news about the new discoveries related to the obstetric and the work of the midwife in the country. Ilike this site also because have interesting articles about the labor and other information that is not only useful for the midwife but to the pregnant woman.

This web have a section were you found books related with the carrer, a section were the people can find the diseases related with this area that are in the AUGE. In this site you can found too the laws that govern the practice of this profession and information about conference with topics related to this area and the courses to perfect your career.

Well this is all I have to say about this site.


miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

My Hobbies

I don't have many hobbies. One of my hobbies is read books of all kind specially adventure, fantasy, mystery and romantic books. I started reading like a hobbie when I have eleven years old and two of my favorite writers are Jane Austen and J.K Rowling. I think that this hobbie help me improve my reading comprehension, my vocabulary and my english because I also read books in english. This hobbie also help me to know new people that like read and like the same books. I share this hobbie with my best friend and we always discuss the new books we read.
Others hobbies I have are listen music and watch movies and television series. I listen a little of every kind of music like pop, rock, alternative and classical music. One of the series of television I see is Doctor House and I like this series because is very interesting and I like the topics that show. Other serie I see is The Big-Bang Theory and I like this serie because I found it very funny and I laugh a lot.
Other hobbie I have is going to natural places like parks or places that have many nature because is very relaxing. And these places are very beautiful.
I think that this hobbies help me to learn new things and contributed to shape my personality becouse I'm not a very social person and this hobbies help me to socialize more with the people (because I can talk with other people that have similar hobbies).
Well this is all I can tell about me and this topic.

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

My experience with the earthquake

I live the earthquake in my house with my family, that night I went to sleep at 2:00 am . In the moment of the earthquake I was sleeping and I hear that my dad was calling my brothers and me. I remember that I listened how the dishes in the kitchen fall and the glasses broken.

In the moment of the earthquake I did not scare but after I felt really nervous becouse one of my sisters was in the house of her boyfriend in Melipilla and we didn't know is she was ok. And I was worry for my older brother that come from Iquique to spent a little time with the family and he was staying in the house of his mother-in-law. Fortunately we can comunicate with my brother at 4:30 am and with my sister at 5:00 am and they were fine just a little scared.
This is all I remember of that night.


miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010


Hi my name is Nicole and my friends call me Nico or Kol. I'm study obstetrics in Chile University. I live in San Bernardo and this its located a little far from the university but not much. I have a two bothers and two sister, all of they are bigger than me.
I expect that this blog will be an opportunity to have a good time and be an entertaiment way to learn english in a different way.
Well this is more or less i have to tell.
See you later.