martes, 8 de junio de 2010

A men and woman's world

I think that the role of men and woman change a lot from the past to the present because the women now are wining a place in the work field and this contribute to an equitable place for women and men in this society. This doesn't mean that the men lost their place in the society but that they now share this place with women and this help men to dedicate more time to the family. But not all change, we can see that women continue making the work related to home and children and at the same time she contributes with money for the home expenditure. But I think that in this work related to home and children not only women work because are many men that dedicate his time to collaborate in the home and spend more time with the children.
In my opinion the stereotypes not help to created an equitable relationships between men and women but they only make that women can't develop well in hers work and the men can´t create a bond with the house or the children without the people telling them that the work of the home are only for women and all this create a sexist quarrel.
I think that the men and women in this society can share the work inside and outside home.
I don´t think that are many differences in the contribution of men and women in the midwife area but the men give a new perspective in this area and this is very important.

3 comentarios:

  1. I think that stereotypes not help to created an equitable relationships between men and women, too.
    And I think that the role is defined by society.

  2. people should be more open-minded and understand that everything is changing in every society ;D

    PS:women are the best! xD jajaj
