jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

My favorite place

I really don't have a special place where I go when I feel sad or happy or just to run away of the routine because I don't go out of the city very often. But I think that when I feel stressed or sad I will like to go to a place where is a lot of vegetation and quiet where I can think and relax. In the case I feel happy or stressed too I will like to go to a beach to feel the sound of the sea and the sand in my feet because I think that this is very relaxing and because in the beach you can knew new people and have fun.
Remembering the places I have visited I can choose I perfect place that is a mix of the places I described early. This place is a beach in Costa Blanca that it’s located near of Talca (I don’t remember exactly where) but where don't many people go or know it. I think this place is perfect because have a beach where you can go and where are not much people and you can feel relaxed. And in this place you can find too a lot of vegetation with lakes, I think that this place is really beautiful and I will like to go many times to this place.
The most beautiful thing about this place is the view of the stars in the night I think that is the most beautiful view I ever see.

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