viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

A healthy person

In our society I believe that is possible have a healthy life style and all depends of the people because if all the people try and realize that the health is important can change some routine or take the necessary time to improve this aspect of their lives.
I think that to be a healthy person you don't have to eat only vegetables and make many exercises because you can eat a little of everything, in a good measure, and make the necessary exercises, that not only can be the exercises that you do in a gym but others things like yoga, and you still can have a healthy life style.
In my opinion the people that take care of what they eat, make little exercise, try to live their life without stress and go to the doctor when is necessary, are healthy people.
A healthy person can have the habit of eat more healthy food or have a healthy diet without deprive herself of eat other food least healthy (but not a lot of that food or only that food) and the person can make different styles of exercise and take time to relax and have a good time to not stress herself.
I think that this kind of person can go to the beach or to the country in the holidays because in this way the person can relax and take the necessary time to recover all the energy that require to go back to the job or studies.

1 comentario:

  1. I want my quarter-pound burger NOW!!!!! xD hahah
    (I don´t know if it's spelled right, but you understand me ;D)
