sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010

A travel experience

I really like to travel because I believe that is good experience that let you not only know new places but relax and meditate about others things. I think that traveling allows you to know yourself and appreciate what you have because while you travel you can know others realities.
Although I love to travel I prefer not to travel for a long time because I miss my family and my friends. The longest trip that I ever made was when I traveled to Germany and I spent about a month in there. This was a really great experience and I can say that this country is really beautiful and have so many places you can go and you can have fun. The only thing that I don't really like about this country is the food but the chocolate that sale in there is great. I remember that when I was in this country we go to a fair and my friend and I got on a roller coaster and have a great time in this fair. The only thing that I miss when I traveled to Germany was my family because I traveled with my school mates.
Thinking about that I realized that the longest trips I made I didn't go with my family but with friend or with my school mates.The others places where I traveled was: Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil and the south of Chile. In these places I like the landscape, the food and the people because they were very nice and friendly.

martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

The films of my life

When I think about the movies I watched I can't chose a favorite movie or just one type of movie I like to watch. I like the every kind of movies like romantic movies or sad movies or adventure movies or mystery or terror movies.

I enjoy so much watching a movie that I don't care if I watch the movie in a cinema or in my house. The only thing that I search in a movie is that this movie have the capacity of transport me to the world that this movie try to recreate and make me feel like I part of the movie and at the same time make me share the emotions that the actors try to represent. So for my a good movie not only have to had a good history but this movie have to had the capacity of make me laugh, cry or scare me.

I have watched many movies but I always remember that when I was younger (when I have 4 or 5 years old) I always watched the movie call: "The Sound of Music" because my family loved that movie so I growth up watching this movie and I love it. So when I watch this movie I remember the good times that I spend with my family.

About the Chilean movies I don't have much to say because I don't see many chilean movies apart from "Machuca".