miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

My favourite food

I really don't have a favourite food I consider I eat a little of everething but I can say that I like very much every kind of pastas and soup like cazuela. The only food I don't like to eat is sushi but I like the chinese food. I like taste new food to know different tastes and styles of food.
In the university my friends and I ate the food of the casino that I don't like because always it's something with a bad taste specially the desserts. Is for that reason that we go to eat somedays in a restaurant where the food is very good or we go to eat fast food like hamburgers or pizza but I prefer the pizza that make my mom. In general I always prefer my mom's food.
I too like the fast food but I know that is not good for the health is for this that we don't go always to this kind of places.
In my opinion a good diet have to contain a little of everything like legume, vegetable, meat, etc. And we also can eat fast food but not much.
I don't know much places to eat in Santiago and I don't always remember the names the places where I ate.
Well this all I have to tell. Bye

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

The job of a midwife

The job of a midwife is very important in my opinion because she is the person who prepared the women for the delivery of a new life and keeps company and give support to the women in all stages of pregnancy. But this is not the only work of a midwife, she too is the one who guide the mother and she takes care of the babies and the mother in the postnatal.

I choose this career because I found it important in the life of the women and beautiful because it's related with the development process of a new life and the role of the midwife is fundamental for this process happen in an excellent way.

My expectations with this career are I can contribute in the change of the attention model of the birth and I can give the mother all the support she need in this beautiful process.

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

About my career

I really don't have a web site of obstetric that I visit constantly and I never really think in search a web about my career until today. When I search in internet I don't found a web site of obstetric that is not related to an university but I continue searching until I found the web site called "Colegio de matronas de Chile" and I like this site because have information about the work area of obstetric in Chile and have recent news about the new discoveries related to the obstetric and the work of the midwife in the country. Ilike this site also because have interesting articles about the labor and other information that is not only useful for the midwife but to the pregnant woman.

This web have a section were you found books related with the carrer, a section were the people can find the diseases related with this area that are in the AUGE. In this site you can found too the laws that govern the practice of this profession and information about conference with topics related to this area and the courses to perfect your career.

Well this is all I have to say about this site.
