miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

My Hobbies

I don't have many hobbies. One of my hobbies is read books of all kind specially adventure, fantasy, mystery and romantic books. I started reading like a hobbie when I have eleven years old and two of my favorite writers are Jane Austen and J.K Rowling. I think that this hobbie help me improve my reading comprehension, my vocabulary and my english because I also read books in english. This hobbie also help me to know new people that like read and like the same books. I share this hobbie with my best friend and we always discuss the new books we read.
Others hobbies I have are listen music and watch movies and television series. I listen a little of every kind of music like pop, rock, alternative and classical music. One of the series of television I see is Doctor House and I like this series because is very interesting and I like the topics that show. Other serie I see is The Big-Bang Theory and I like this serie because I found it very funny and I laugh a lot.
Other hobbie I have is going to natural places like parks or places that have many nature because is very relaxing. And these places are very beautiful.
I think that this hobbies help me to learn new things and contributed to shape my personality becouse I'm not a very social person and this hobbies help me to socialize more with the people (because I can talk with other people that have similar hobbies).
Well this is all I can tell about me and this topic.

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

My experience with the earthquake

I live the earthquake in my house with my family, that night I went to sleep at 2:00 am . In the moment of the earthquake I was sleeping and I hear that my dad was calling my brothers and me. I remember that I listened how the dishes in the kitchen fall and the glasses broken.

In the moment of the earthquake I did not scare but after I felt really nervous becouse one of my sisters was in the house of her boyfriend in Melipilla and we didn't know is she was ok. And I was worry for my older brother that come from Iquique to spent a little time with the family and he was staying in the house of his mother-in-law. Fortunately we can comunicate with my brother at 4:30 am and with my sister at 5:00 am and they were fine just a little scared.
This is all I remember of that night.


miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010


Hi my name is Nicole and my friends call me Nico or Kol. I'm study obstetrics in Chile University. I live in San Bernardo and this its located a little far from the university but not much. I have a two bothers and two sister, all of they are bigger than me.
I expect that this blog will be an opportunity to have a good time and be an entertaiment way to learn english in a different way.
Well this is more or less i have to tell.
See you later.